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56 posts tagged with "mac"

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DevConf US 2020 Containers Technologies Talk

By Tom Sweeney GitHub

In case you missed Kedar Kulkarni's excellent talk at DevConf.US 2020, "Docker, Podman, Buildah, Skopeo, and what else?", check out the video on YouTube. There were also a number of other interesting talks at DevConf.US 2020 that you might be interested in, you'll be able to find links to the talks at the DevConf.US site above.

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By Tom Sweeney GitHub

In case you missed Kedar Kulkarni's excellent talk at DevConf.US 2020, "Docker, Podman, Buildah, Skopeo, and what else?", check out the video on YouTube. There were also a number of other interesting talks at DevConf.US 2020 that you might be interested in, you'll be able to find links to the talks at the DevConf.US site above.

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Podman Posts of Interest

By Brent Baude GitHub

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I've run across a number of posts over the past few weeks concerning Podman and have been busy getting other work done. So now I have a few moments and thought I'd add some links to the posts. Enjoy!

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In a recent blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site, Podman remote clients for macOS and Windows, Brent Baude and Ashley Cui walk you through setting up a remote client on either Windows or macOS to let you manage your containers and images on your Linux backend. The post covers installation, ssh setup, creating the initial connection and finally how to use the client. Give it a quick look!

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Podman remote clients for macOS and Windows

By Brent Baude GitHub

In a recent blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site, Podman remote clients for macOS and Windows, Brent Baude and Ashley Cui walk you through setting up a remote client on either Windows or macOS to let you manage your containers and images on your Linux backend. The post covers installation, ssh setup, creating the initial connection and finally how to use the client. Give it a quick look!