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Central European Standard Time
Eastern Daylight Time
The Podman developers are generally around during CEST and Eastern Time business hours, so please be patient if you’re in another time zone!
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Eastern Daylight Time
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Don't include private / sensitive info in issues!
While bug fixes can first be identified via an "issue", that is not required. It's ok to just open up a PR with the fix, but make sure you include the same information you would have included in an issue - like how to reproduce it.
PRs for new features should include some background on what use cases the new code is trying to address. When possible and when it makes sense, try to break-up larger PRs into smaller ones - it's easier to review smaller code changes. But only if those smaller ones make sense as stand-alone PRs. Regardless of the type of PR, all PRs should include:
The Podman community has contributors from many different organizations, including: