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178 posts tagged with "containers"

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Replacing Docker with Podman

By Dan Walsh GitHub

At the "All Systems Go!" conference on September 28-30, 2018 in Berlin Germany, Dan Walsh gave a talk on how you can replace docker with podman and not skip a beat. The talk was taped and can be viewed here.

The slides in PDF format are here.

· 2 min read

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Pulling content directly from the Docker Daemon...

By Dan Walsh GitHub

Cool things you can do with Podman.

I recently received a bug report about some huge container images not working correctly in Docker. So I suggested to the reporter that they try them with Podman. He responded that he saw the images with docker images, but did not see them with podman images.

I explained to him that the Docker image and container database are separate from the Podman image and container database. I told him he would have to pull the images into Podman. Then I decided to try a cool feature of Podman, where I could pull images directly out of the Docker daemon.

· 6 min read

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Python3 support for Podman

By Jhon Honce GitHub

You’ve learned of Podman and all it’s coolness for running OCI-based containers, but you need a solution that is repeatable and scripted. Rather than just executing Podman commands, you want a stable API to call into and not need to screen scrape the output.

We heard you and now provide a Python package, python3-podman. This package allows you to access the facilities of a Podman service with #nobigfatdaemons.